EBITDA 228 655 0 883
IFRS16 impact -72 0 0 -72
EBITDA including IFRS16 156 655 0 811
Dividends received 475 0 -191 284
Provisions variation -68 0 0 -68
Working capital variation (account receivables, account payables and others) 20 -35 0 -15
Operating flow (before taxes) 584 620 -191 1,012
Tax payment -91 9 0 -82
Operating Cash Flow 493 629 -191 930
Investments -856 -784 414 -1,226
Divestments 429 0 0 429
Investment cash flow -427 -784 414 -797
Activity cash flow 66 -155 223 133
Interest flow 3 -285 0 -282
Capital flow from Minorities 56 708 -414 350
Ferrovial shareholder remuneration -578 0 0 -578
Scrip dividend -132 0 0 -132
   Treasury share repurchase -446 0 0 -446
   Other shareholder remuneration for subsidiary minorities -67 -285 191 -161
Other movements in shareholder’s funds 9 -77 0 -69
Forex impact -113 -342 0 -456
Changes in the consolidated perimeter -106 -91 0 -197
Other debt movements (non cash) -13 -58 0 -71
Financing cash flow -809 -431 -223 -1,463
Net debt variation -743 -586 0 -1,329
Net debt initial position 2,182 -6,633 0 -4,451
Net debt final position 1,439 -7,219 0 -5,781
EBITDA 442 499 0 942
IFRS16 impact -131 0 0 -131
EBITDA including IFRS16 311 499 0 811
Dividends received 550 -2 -276 272
Provisions variation 85 0 0 85
Working capital variation (account receivables, account payables and others) -339 5 0 -334
Operating flow (before taxes) 607 503 -276 834
Tax payment -121 -34 0 -155
Operating Cash Flow 486 469 -276 679
Investments -1,112 -239 65 -1,285
Divestments 1,621 0 0 1,621
Investment cash flow 509 -239 65 336
Activity cash flow 995 230 -210 1,015
Interest flow -39 -253 0 -292
Capital flow from Minorities 12 111 -65 57
Ferrovial shareholder remuneration -463 0 0 -463
 Scrip dividend -31 0 0 -31
   Treasury share repurchase -432 0 0 -432
   Other shareholder remuneration for subsidiary minorities -88 -458 276 -270
Other movements in shareholder’s funds -5 5 0 0
Forex impact 49 -252 0 -202
Changes in the consolidated perimeter -256 -1,482 0 -1,738
Other debt movements (non cash) -13 -4 0 -17
Financing cash flow -804 -2,332 210 -2,926
Net debt variation 191 -2,102 0 -1,911
Net debt initial position 1,991 -4,532 0 -2,541
Net debt final position 2,182 -6,633 0 -4,451


Activity cash flow

The ex-infrastructure pre-tax activity cash flow is as follows:

Toll Roads 388 -339 50
Airports 10 -186 -176
Construction 144 -92 52
Services 93 295 388
Others -51 -105 -156
Total 584 -427 157

*Before Corporate Income Tax. Operating cash flow in Toll Roads and Airports refers to dividends.

Toll Roads 469 -817 -347
Airports 3 -54 -51
Construction 44 474 518
Services 227 973 1,201
Others -136 -68 -204
Total 607 509 1,116

Operations cash flow

At December 31st, 2022, cash flow from ex-infrastructure project operations totaled EUR584mn (before tax), slightly below EUR607mn in 2021, impacted by lower dividends from Toll Roads and lower contribution from Services on the back of the reduction of the business following the divestment process, partially offset by higher contribution from Construction division and Airports dividends vs 2021.

Operating cash flow DEC-22 DEC-21
Dividends from Toll Roads 388 469
Dividends from Airports 10 3
Construction 144 44
Services 93 227
Others* -51 -136
Operating flow (before taxes) 584 607
Tax payment -91 -121
Total 493 486

* Others include the operating cash flow from Corporate Business, Airports & Toll Roads headquarters, along with the Energy Infrastructure and Mobility business.

Breakdown of cash flow from Construction and Services:

Construction DEC-22 DEC-21
EBITDA 176 245
EBITDA from projects 6 11
EBITDA Ex projects 170 234
IFRS16 impact -64 -63
EBITDA including IFRS16 106 171
Dividends received 12 3
Provisions variation -53 67
Working capital variation (account receivables,
account payables and others)
79 -197
     Changes in factoring 0 0
     Land purchases 0 0
     Working capital 79 -197
Operating Cash Flow before Taxes 144 44
Services DEC-22 DEC-21
EBITDA 155 365
EBITDA from projects 0 60
EBITDA Ex projects 155 305
Dividends received 5 43
Working capital variation (account receivables, account payables and others) -60 -111
Changes in factoring 0 0
Pensions payments UK -16 -14
Operating Cash Flow before Taxes 83 222

Dividends received from projects and capital reimbursements reached EUR475mn in 2022 (EUR550mn in 2021).

(EUR million) DEC-22 DEC-21
Toll Roads 388 469
Airports 10 3
Services 5 43
Construction 12 3
Energy Infrastructure & Mobility 60 31
Others 0 1
Total 475 550

Energy Infrastructure and Mobility reached EUR60mn of dividends, including the extraordinary dividend from Transchile (EUR51mn) upon the closing of its refinancing.

Dividends from Toll Roads amounted to EUR388mn in 2022 (EUR469mn in 2021).

Dividends and Capital reimbursements DEC-22 DEC-21
407 ETR 237 164
LBJ 31 167
NTE 92 53
IRB 2 0
Irish toll roads 3 1
Portuguese toll roads 2 4
Australian toll roads 4 1
Spanish toll roads 12 75
Others 5 3
Total 388 469

Dividends and capital reimbursements from Airports reached EUR10mn in 2022 vs EUR3mn in 2021.

Airports DEC-22 DEC-21
HAH 0 0
AGS 0 0
FMM 8 3
Others 2 0
Total 10 3

Investment cash flow

Toll Roads -473 134 -339
Airports -186 0 -186
Construction -97 5 -92
Services -21 316 295
Others -78 -27 -105
Total -856 429 -427
Toll Roads -864 47 -817
Airports -54 0 -54
Construction -55 529 474
Services -67 1,040 973
Others -72 5 -68
Total -1,112 1,621 509

The net investment cash flow in 2022 (-EUR427mn) includes:

  • Investments reached -EUR856mn in 2022 (-EUR1,112mn in 2021), most noteworthy of which were the EUR322mn invested in the I-66 Managed Lanes project and the EUR46 invested in NTE 3C, along with the EUR104mn to acquire an additional 7.135% stake in I-77, together with the EUR186mn from Airports (EUR119mn from Dalaman acquisition and EUR59mn of equity invested in NTO).
  • Divestments reached EUR429mn in 2022 (EUR1,621mn in 2021) mostly related to the divestment of the Services division including the divestment of the Infrastructure Services business in Spain (EUR175mn), Amey (EUR132mn) and the divestment of Ausol (EUR111mn) and Algarve (EUR23mn).

Financing cash flow

Financing cash flow includes:

  • Shareholder remuneration cash flow: -EUR578mn in 2022, (-EUR463mn in 2021), including -EUR132mn from the scrip dividend and -EUR446mn of shares repurchase including the share buyback program (EUR388mn) along with the discretionary shares purchased (EUR57mn) following the Board of Directors approval in 2021 which took place from December 2021 to January 2022.
  • Net interest payments reached EUR3mn in 2022.
  • FX impact stood at -EUR113mn, primarily from the USD.
  • Changes in the consolidated perimeter (-EUR106mn) included the net cash position held by Infrastructure Services activity and Amey upon sale.
  • Other non-cash flow related movements (EUR-13mn) which included the book debt movements that do not affect cash flow, such as interest that has been accrued and remains unpaid, mainly resulting from interest accrued from corporate bonds.


Operations cash flow

As regards cash flows for companies that own infrastructure project concessions, these primarily include revenues from those companies that are currently in operation, though they also include VAT refunds and payments corresponding to projects currently in the construction phase.

The following table shows a breakdown of cash flow operations for infrastructure projects.

(EUR million) DEC-22 DEC-21
Toll Roads 583 387
Others 45 82
Operating cash flow 629 469

Investment cash flow

The following table shows a breakdown of the investment cash flows for infrastructure projects, mainly payments made in respect of capital expenditure investments over the year.

(EUR million) DEC-22 DEC-21
LBJ -2 -2
NTE -8 -4
NTE 35W -247 -193
I-77 -17 0
I-66 -436 -53
Portuguese toll roads -1 -1
Spanish toll roads -4 -1
Others 0 1
Total Toll Roads -715 -253
Others -94 -32
Total projects -809 -285
Equity Subsidy 25 46
Total investment cash flow (projects) -784 -239

*I-66 was not globally consolidated as of June 2021

Financing cash flow

Financing cash flow includes the payment of dividends and the repayment of equity by concession-holding companies to their shareholders, along with the payments for share capital increases received by these companies. In the case of concession holders which are fully integrated within Ferrovial, these amounts represent 100% of the amounts paid out and received by the concession-holding companies, regardless of the percentage share that the Company holds in such concessions. No dividend or Shareholder Funds’ repayment is included for equity-accounted companies.

The interest cash flow refers to the interest paid by the concessionholding companies, together with other fees and costs closely related to the acquisition of financing. The cash flow for these items relates to interest costs for the period, along with any other item that represents a direct change in the net debt amount for the period.

(EUR million) DEC-22 DEC-21
Spanish toll roads -44 -47
US toll roads -213 -173
Portuguese toll roads -11 -13
Other toll roads 0 0
Total toll roads -268 -233
Other -17 -20
Total  -285 -253

The financing cash flow also includes the impact that changes in the exchange rate have had on the debt held in foreign currency, which in 2022 was a negative impact of -EUR342mn, primarily as the result of the depreciation of the euro against USD, which has had an impact on the net debt figure for the US toll roads.