Appendix IV - Shareholder Remuneration


The company held its AGM on April 7th, 2022. The AGM approved two capital increases, by means of the issuance of new ordinary shares, with no issue premium, of the same class and series as those at present in circulation, charged to reserves.

These increases form part of the shareholder remuneration system known as the “Ferrovial Scrip Dividend”, which the company introduced in 2014. The purpose of the program is to offer Ferrovial’s shareholders the option, at their choice, of receiving free new shares in Ferrovial, though without altering cash payments to its shareholders, as they can alternatively opt to receive a cash payment by means of selling the free rights received against the shares they already own to Ferrovial (or selling them in the market).

 Scrip Dividend details MAY-22 NOV-22
Guaranteed set price to purchase rights 0.278 0.414
Rights per share 87 56
% shareholders chose shares as dividends 47.06% 91.99%
% shareholders chose cash as dividends 52.94% 8.01%
Number of new shares issued 3,968,559 12,116,333
Number of rights purchase 388,337,800 59,056,364



On February 24th, 2022, the Board of Directors of Ferrovial resolved to implement a buy-back program of the company’s own shares, in accordance with the authorization granted by the AGM held on April 5th, 2017, under item ten of its agenda, along with the authorization of the 2022 AGM (item 13).

Under this Buy-back Programme that ended on December 5th, 2022, Ferrovial acquired 15,743,329 of own shares, a 2.10% of Ferrovial’s current share capital, without exceeding the limit of EUR500mn or 34 million shares. The share capital was subsequently reduced by EUR 4,448,822.40 by means of the cancellation of 22,244,112 company shares held in the company’s treasury shares, by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Ferrovial held on April 7th, 2022, to reduce the company’s share capital.

Ferrovial’s share capital figure as of December 31st, 2022, was EUR145,488,652.20 all fully subscribed and paid up. The share capital comprises 727,443,261 ordinary shares of one single class, each with a par value of twenty-euro cents (EUR0.20). The company’s treasury stock amounted to 1,168,290 shares as of December 31st, 2022.