Ferrovial’s value lies in its assets. Some of them are emblematic in the universe of privately managed transport infrastructures. This is the case of the 407 ETR, the Managed Lanes in Texas or Heathrow Airport. Others have major local repercussions. They are operated through Cintra and Ferrovial Airports business units. There are 29 assets, totaling an investment of 37,000 million euros, located in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Colombia, Ireland, Portugal, Türkiye and Slovakia
The following infrastructure assets are managed by Ferrovial, through its divisions, Cintra and Ferrovial Airports
407 ETR | 108 kilometers | Canada | 3,505 | 43.2% | 1999-2098 |
407 EDG | 35 kilometers | Canada | 563 | 50% | 2012-2045 |
407 East Phase 2 | 32.5 kilometers | Canada | 511 | 50% | 2015-2047 |
North Tarrant Express | 21.4 kilometers | United States | 1,867 | 63% | 2009-2061 |
LBJ Express | 21.4 kilometers | United States | 2,312 | 54.6% | 2009-2061 |
NTE 35W | 27.2 kilometers | United States | 2,273 | 53.7% | 2013-2061 |
I-77 | 41.8 kilometers | United States | 708 | 72.2% | 2014-2069 |
I-66 | 36.2 kilometers | United States | 3,275 | 55.7% | 2016-2066 |
Autema | 48.3 kilometers | Spain | 524 | 76% | 1986-2036 |
A66 | 49 kilometers | Spain | 169 | 25% | 2012-2042 |
Aravia | 107.2 kilometers | Spain | 190 | 100% | 2007-2026 |
Emesa & Calle M-30 | 32.2 kilometers | Spain | 606 | 10% | 2005-2025 |
Azores | 93.7 kilometers | Portugal | 387 | 89% | 2006-2036 |
Vialivre | 174.5 kilometers | Portugal | - | 84% | 2010-2024 |
M8-M73-M74 | 28.6 kilometers | United Kingdom | 376 | 40% | 2014-2047 |
Silvertown Tunnel | 1.4 km road tunnel | United Kingdom | 1,210 | 22.5% | 2019-2050 |
M4-M6 Kinnegad-Kilcock | 36 kilometers | Ireland | 335 | 20% | 2003-2033 |
M3 Clonee-Kells | 50 kilometers | Ireland | 549 | 20% | 2007-2052 |
Ruta del Cacao | 151.6 kilometers | Colombia | 392 | 30% | 2015-2040 |
D4-R7 | 59.1 kilometers | Slovakia | 891 | 35% | 2016-2050 |
Western Roads Upgrade | 240 kilometers | Australia | 435 | 50% | 2018-2040 |
Toowoomba | 41 kilometers | Australia | 639 | 40% | 2015-2043 |
Serranopark | 3,297 parking lots | Spain | 44 | 50% | 2008-2048 |
HAH | United Kingdom | 4,309 | 25% | 2006- |
AGS | United Kingdom | 399 | 50% | 2014- |
Dalaman | Türkiye | 140 | 60% | 2022-2042 |
New Terminal One | United States | 1,068 | 49% | 2022-2060 |